how to get christmas cactus to bloom

How to Make a Christmas Cactus Bloom Again & Again

The Christmas cactus, known for its vibrant flowers and festive appeal, is a popular winter-blooming houseplant that brings joy during the holiday season, especially Christmas and New Year. However, what if your Christmas cactus isn’t blooming while the big time of the year is approaching? You may wonder what steps to take to encourage those beautiful pink blossoms. Lucky you, this guide will provide 5 proven expert tips and techniques to help you get your Christmas cactus to bloom, again and again, ensuring it becomes the centerpiece of your holiday decor.

When Does Christmas Cactus Bloom 

How do you know if your Christmas cactus is late for blooming? In general, the plant blooms naturally during the late fall (November) to early winter (January), coinciding with shorter daylight hours and cooler temperatures. These conditions mimic the rainy season in its native Brazilian rainforest, which is why the Christmas cactus tends to flower during the short, cold days of early winter. However, the exact Christmas cactus blooming period depends largely on the light and temperature conditions. 

To take control of your Christmas cactus's blooming schedule, you can manipulate its light and temperature levels. In order to trigger blooming, the plant requires a combination of cooler temperatures (around 55 - 68°F or 13 - 20°C) and limited light - about 12-14 hours of darkness per day for roughly 6 weeks. 

christmas cactus bloom

By providing these specific conditions, you can encourage the plant to bloom just in time for the holidays or even at different times of the year, depending on your preferences. The only question is, how? Check our expert tips below!

How to Get Your Christmas Cactus to Bloom in 4 Easy Ways

Whether you aim to make your Christmas cactus bloom right in time for the coming holidays, or simply wish to coax the plant into flowering at different times throughout the year, you can always achieve the goal by managing the light exposure and temperature. Here’s how:

  1. Provide 12-14 Hours of Darkness 

Let’s make it simple - your Christmas cacti stand a big chance to bloom once they experience weeks of long nights and shorter days. By saying that, we mean the cactus needs bright daylight followed by 12 or more hours of continuous darkness. If this darkness is interrupted, even briefly, it can prevent blooming.

To offer the optimal lighting schedule for your Christmas cactus, place the Christmas cacti on a windowsill so they can receive bright, indirect sunlight for around 4-8 hours. After that, create a dark environment by covering the plant with a black cloth or placing it in a room where light can be controlled, such as a grow tent.

In about 6 weeks of light control, Christmas cactus flower buds should start to develop. 

  1. Maintain Temperatures between 55°F and 68°F (13°C - 20°C)

Christmas cacti love cooler temperatures. The best temperature for optimal bud lies between 60°F and 68°F, so try to replicate these conditions in the location where you plan to display the plant.

To start with, avoid any item that would release heat, say, the indoor heater, radiators, fireplace, etc. Then, ensure proper air circulation by using small and flexible clip fans to cool the room. A clip fan does a great job of expelling warm air and allowing fresh, cooler air to enter.

how to get christmas cactus to bloom

  1. Reduce Watering to Push Blooming 

When you reduce watering the Christmas cactus, it simulates the dry conditions that the plant would experience in its natural environment during the winter months. This ‘water stress’ signals to the cactus that it's time to prepare for reproduction, which is its flowering phase. So, if you want to get the plant to bloom, why not reduce the watering frequency in early fall? Instead of regular watering, water the plants only when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. 

  1. Prune Christmas Cactus in Summer

Pruning your Christmas cactus in the summer months can encourage a more abundant display of flowers in winter. In early June, pinch back the tips of the stems to stimulate branching. This will result in more shoot tips, which will eventually produce additional flower buds. 

Can Christmas Cactus Bloom More Than Once a Year

Absolutely! Although Christmas cacti are most commonly associated with blooming during the holiday season, they can be made to bloom at any time of the year. You can use blackout techniques (light exclusion) from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m. to trigger blooming even during the summer months.

Additionally, by maintaining short-day conditions (long nights), you can encourage the cactus to bloom 2 to 3 times a year, tops. 

Verdict: Timing Is Key for Christmas Cactus Blooming

Forcing a Christmas cactus to bloom requires careful timing. The plant typically needs about eight weeks of light exclusion (long nights and short days) to trigger full bloom, and that’s why you should plan ahead by deciding when you want it to bloom, then count back eight weeks from that date.

If you're aiming for a Christmas bloom, start preparing your cactus in late September. Provide six weeks of complete darkness each night to help encourage bud development. By following our expert tips, the cactus can bloom for five to eight weeks.