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Follow these steps to check and refine the WiFi connection: 1. Ensure that the WiFi account and password are entered correctly. 2. Remove any special characters, spaces, or symbols (e.g. #, $, %, &, *) from the WiFi name or password. 3. Note that the device does not support 5G WiFi. If you are using a 5G network, switch to a 2.4G WiFi network. 4. If the previous attempts fail, you can try resetting the device. Refer to this guide for instructions: []. After resetting, reconnect the device to your WiFi. 5. If all the previous attempts fail, try connecting using a mobile hotspot. Please note that the device does not support 5G hotspots. If you can successfully connect using a mobile hotspot, it indicates that the brand/model of your router (WiFi) may not be compatible with this device. Note: During the initial WiFi connection, the app will automatically initiate a mandatory upgrade for your device, which typically takes 2-3 minutes. Once the upgrade is complete, you can connect your device to the WiFi... Read more
Published in: Smart Grow System